balance · inspiration · motivation · new beginnings

Hidden Poet

Who knew that Charlie Chaplin was a poet?  I sure didn’t!  Not until I was adoring my latest issue of Happinez that I realized this.  If you have not yet discovered that magazine and if you love and follow yoga, and all the spiritual bliss that comes with it, you have to pick this magazine up.  Anyway, there is a beautiful photo spread showcasing this beautiful poem “Love Yourself” I had to share!
Continue reading “Hidden Poet”

balance · bohemian · inspiration · motivation · new beginnings · truthbomb

Truthbomb Thursday

Funny, many of us think we know “who we are”.  But our parents, teachers, coaches, friends, and especially society/media sometimes make that fact hazy. Our parents teach and guide us to believe a certain way, usually based of course on their beliefs or culture. Our teachers give us more knowledge and education more generically in… Continue reading Truthbomb Thursday

balance · books · inspiration · motivation · new beginnings · yoga

Yeah…Yee Yoga!!

Been reading a great book! After reading The Warrior Pose I felt like I needed more. Was hungry for more knowledge and testimony of how the practice and philosophy behind Yoga can transform you.  This book is great, each chapter has specific sequences that address issues ranging from grief, depression, hormonal swings and stress.  The… Continue reading Yeah…Yee Yoga!!

balance · Healthier Eating · inspiration · motivation · new beginnings

What am I waiting for?


I am stuck….can’t seem to get going…can’t seem to start.  I have struggled for the last year with weight and health. Don’t get me wrong, I am healthy but mentally I just don’t know sometimes.  I battle constantly with guilt and self worth. I can’t seem to get control of my wellness.  I don’t want to say life because in all other aspects of my life, I have control.  My job is successful, my relationships are full but when it comes to my health I can’t seem to get balance, to get consistency, to get focus.  I know what I need, I blog about it, I pin it, I follow it and I am inspired by it.  Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality, healthy eating…I feel like I am doing research on a book report that never ends.  And…so far I have enjoyed every bit of it….because it interests me, inspires me, ignites me!!  But something seems to be stopping me from adopting it as practice. I meditate…inconsistently, I do not make healthy eating routine and I have not yet begun to make yoga a daily ritual. And I hate myself for every failure, for every avoidance.  I even picture me…older….possibly even in the throes of last moments and feeling regret for all I always wanted to commit to and never did.  What the hell?? What needs to click in my brain to make me feel motivated…focused.  But I have to make it click….I need to re wire my brain to make it so. How do I do that?  Is this a start…admitting and laying it all out there?  Do I need to do some spiritual purging and get rid of some of my mental clutter?  Maybe I need  to have more humility  to accept that I need guidance? Or have the courage  to see that age is what is happening, accept it and fight it every step of the way!  Don’t fight the wisdom, don’t fight the grace, don’t fight the elegance, don’t fight the respect…BUT…battle the fatigue, combat the slow metabolism, wage war on the mood swings…..Fight it! But first I have to get un-stuck…to start….to begin!!  NOW!
